Monday, August 7, 2023


Clean and Organise your data

Survey data is never clean.

It has duplicates, multiple languages including gibberish, incomplete responses,

open-ended answers in block text, numbers that aren't formatted as numbers,

five-point scales that mix numbers and text,

and miscellaneous meta-data from the platform.

All this and more needs to be reviewed and reset appropriately

so the actual respondent data can be sliced and diced as you need it for your analysis.

Analyse your data

Analysis of data, both quantitative and qualitative should not be a painful process.

Ideally you should set up the survey data to give you a reliable,

single source of information for your work.

You may need to do your own means scores, or NPS calculations or turn ages in age ranges and arrange dates in time periods. You may have to tackle Significant Differences.

You might have to build a code frame for open-ended responses or just build a word cloud for a slide. 

Present your data

Survey data can be presented in spreadsheets or slides or in report form in documents. Whichever format you chose there are simple, easy ways to improve the presentation and layout of your analysis.


Clean and Organise your data Survey data is never clean. It has duplicates, multiple languages including gibberish, incomplete responses, op...